TOEFL Unlocked: Your Quick Decoding Guide with Secret Resources

Priyanshu Maurya
6 min readFeb 8, 2024


Photo by Ben Mullins on Unsplash


Hello everyone, particularly those who are new here. Allow me to introduce myself; I am Priyanshu, an undergraduate student based in Mumbai. Currently, I am in the final year of my engineering program. Similar to every undergraduate in their final year, I had to choose between placements and higher studies. I opted to pursue a master’s degree in Computer Science in the United States. This decision wasn’t impulsive; I had been contemplating it since my first year. Just like others planning to study abroad, I had to undergo an English proficiency test.

To be honest, writing a guide on TOEFL was not something I had envisioned, but circumstances led me to this point. Within this guide, I aim to share my experience with the TOEFL test and provide you with resources that I am confident will be beneficial. I hope this guide will assist you in determining whether TOEFL is the right choice for you.

For those embarking on any English proficiency test, there are certain resources that are universally applicable, regardless of the specific exam. Please bear with me as I delve into these valuable tools and insights.

Navigating the Ideal Exam Window and Initial Challenges

First and foremost, let’s discuss the optimal time to take the TOEFL exam. In my experience, it is advisable to consider the second last year (applicable to various academic levels) or the final year of college. For B. Tech students, the third year is ideal, while for BSc students, the second year is recommended for fall admission. Some individuals choose to take the test in the seventh semester, as I did. However, I would not recommend this, as the final year often comes with increased pressure due to exams, final year projects, events, and other commitments.

Personally, I faced considerable challenges dealing with the combination of participating in competitions, managing a final year project, preparing for exams, and working on a quotation for an ecommerce website with my team.

Determining the right time to appear for the exam was initially unclear to me. It was only when my friend and I overheard a conversation among some students from our college discussing it and inquiring about Letters of Recommendation (LOR) from faculty members that we became aware. Once we understood that it was the opportune time for admissions, we promptly began collecting resources.

Initially, we had decided to appear for the IELTS exam. However, when we attempted to schedule an appointment on the site, we discovered that they only accepted passports for registration. At that time, I possessed a passport, but my friend did not.

Screenshot of a website with a registration form for the IELTS test

So, we turned to schedule the TOEFL test appointment, my friend and I visited the TOEFL website and discovered that they accepted Aadhaar cards and driving licenses as valid identification. However, due to this flexibility, my friend opted for Aadhaar, while I proceeded with my passport.

Screenshot of a website with a registration form for the TOFEL ibtTest

To facilitate a more streamlined process, I scheduled the test five days in advance of my friend, anticipating that my experience would offer valuable insights for him. My test went smoothly without any complications. However, on his test day, despite my friend presenting his Aadhaar card, he encountered an unexpected hurdle. The testing center adamantly insisted on a passport as the sole accepted identification and conveyed that if he could procure one on the same day, they would allow him to proceed with the test. Otherwise, he would be compelled to reschedule the appointment, incurring an additional cost of 14,000 rupees.

Important Note: Ensure that you add your chosen universities to the TOEFL recipient list at least 15 hours before the exam to avoid a financial setback. Failure to do so will result in a loss of 8,500 rupees. Furthermore, post-exam, adding a single university to the list incurs an additional cost of approximately 2,125 rupees ($25.61). Stay vigilant and plan accordingly to avoid unnecessary expenses.

If you have commenced your TOEFL preparation, it’s crucial to recognize that the test comprises four integral sections: READING, LISTENING, SPEAKING, and WRITING. To set the right mindset from the outset, it’s imperative to understand that each section holds equal significance. In the following sections, I will delve deeper into the nuances of each component.

Guide to Reading, Listening, Speaking, and Writing Skills Enhancement

When I began preparing for the exam, I struggled with my writing and speaking skills.

1. READING — Enhance your reading skills by engaging with news articles. This not only improves comprehension but also familiarizes you with a diverse vocabulary. Practice solving reading questions using the comprehensive set available on the TST Prep website: TOEFL Reading Questions.

2. LISTENING — During the listening section, concentrate solely on listening. Focus on understanding who did what and the questions posed by the professor. If necessary, jot down 5–6 key words or phrases. However, avoid excessive note-taking as you’ll have limited time to review during the answering phase. Utilize the free questions provided on the TST Prep website: TOEFL Listening Questions.

3. SPEAKING — Utilize a speaking template to streamline your responses. Having a structured outline in your mind significantly aids in speaking. Stick to one template rather than using multiple ones. For a detailed explanation, refer to this video: TOEFL Speaking Template. Another fantastic practice method for speaking is using the ChatGPT Andriod App. You just need to first provide command

I would like you to act as my TOEFL teacher, assigning topics for me to speak on for one minute straight. Afterward, you can provide me with feedback.

Above is just one example; you can create millions on your own.

ChatGPT site with the headphone icon highlighted to emphasize the button

4. WRITING — While I currently don’t have the resource I initially used for Writing Task 2, I’ll update it here once available. Meanwhile, Watch this video : TOFEL Writing Template.

Consider this excellent free resource to enhance your writing skills : Write and Improve.

TOFEL Go is amazing for practising entire test it exactly emulates Real Tofel Test and has total of 2 test. It will provide you test score as well for each section.

Note you don’t require bunch of vocabulory for this test

When booking your TOEFL appointment through ETS, take note that at the checkout page, there is an opportunity to apply a coupon code from this site, granting you a discount of approximately 2000 Rupees. To avail of this discount, you are required to provide your phone number and email. However, there’s no need to use your actual phone number and email; I have a helpful trick for you. Simply follow the steps below:


  1. Go to this link.
  2. The site will prompt you for your phone number and email.
  3. In the phone field, enter a 10-digit fake.
  4. For the email, generate a temporary email using this link or any other similar.
  5. Enter the generated temporary email in the site’s email.
  6. After submitting, the site will send an OTP to the email you.
  7. Return to the email generator site, check the inbox, and retrieve the OTP.
  8. Follow the remaining instructions, and eventually, you will receive a coupon.
  9. Apply this coupon code at the checkout page to enjoy a discount of 2000 Rupees.


In summary, my TOEFL preparation journey began with challenges in writing and speaking skills, but strategic approaches proved effective. For reading, immersion in news articles and practice on TST Prep’s platform enhanced comprehension and vocabulary. Use “Write and Improve” platform for free writing skill enhancement. Lastly, TOEFL Go emerged as an excellent tool for comprehensive test practice, replicating the real test experience.

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If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comment section.



Priyanshu Maurya

UI designer, frontend developer, open-source contributor, and a bookworm.